Infinite Rising

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Reviews, articles and features


Rock and Metal Temple

...when there are no words the music allows your mind to create these mental images and drift away into the comforting complex melodic landscapes...

The Prog Space

Infinite Rising present their own hybrid of instrumental prog that dwells more on unusual harmonies and creating these cosmic atmospheres all those song titles already suggest...

Metal Division Magazine

Such phenomenal instrument mastery paired with delicate guitar work; sometimes more anthemic, sometimes aggressive, the raison d'être of all the instruments forming a whole...

GBHBL (9/10)

Perfecting what it means to be prog and to utilise every instrument, Infinite Rising are about to become a much better-known name based off the quality of this debut release...

Metal Division Magazine (8/10)

In jedem Song steckt hörbar viel Arbeit drin und es gibt auch kein Lied, dass auch nur ansatzweise langweilt, doch wenn man schon mit facettenreichen Songstrukturen aufwarten will...


INFINITE RISING: in uscita l’album di debutto “Awakening”

True Metal

Infinite Rising: pubblicato “Awakening”, il primo album del prog-trio

INFINITE RISING, il prog-trio pubblica il primo album “Awakening”


Band Biographies: Infinite Rising

Awakening was released on October 3rd, 2023, it is the first chapter of our voyager into space, starting from...
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